Love your Library !   Support your community library by donating today.  These funds help pay for the free books and programs we provide to everyone.  

WELCOME to the Buck Memorial Library website. We are happy to provide you with a free library card when you come visit.  Additional services include Interlibrary loan for materials we don't have, and e-books and comics through the Cloud Library and Libby. Our library catalog can be searched from your own computer or phone. We hope to provide  an excellent library experience for the Bucksport, Orland, and Verona Island communities. Stay tuned to this site or follow us on Facebook to learn about future plans, and events. We invite you to share ideas and suggestions for how the library can best serve the needs of the community.

The Buck Memorial Library benefits all patrons with a physical and digital collection of materials, programs and space, to learn and grow.  We strive to be attentive to the needs of our community and be responsive to the ever-changing landscape of knowledge and how it is acquired. We believe there should be no financial barriers to anyone using a library, therefore we are fine-free. We are committed to serving all who walk through our doors.

Events at Buck Memorial 

We strive to add our events as soon as they are planned.  But sometimes our speakers have to cancel, or the weather interferes.  We will update our calendar if that happens and add a banner to our website.  In addition we will post about it on our Facebook page.

Ghostport 2024

Our Ghostport Team

Potions for all!

Halloween Stories too!

 Interlibrary loan service has resumed.  Our new delivery date is Wednesday.

Please submit requests to  DO NOT SUBMIT REQUESTS VIA THE BANGOR WEBSITE, or we won't know who requested it.

Please be aware that there may be delays due to the volume of backlogged requests in the system. 

Harry Potter Quilt Raffle

We are very grateful to our volunteer Brigitte Schoen who worked for a year to create our beautiful quilt to raffle.  And for her willingness to pull the winning ticket.  Our board President, Doug Knobloch was the winner.

Our community really loved it, and donated $1313.00 towards trying to win it.  Proceeds from this raffle have all been designated for more books for the library by the quilt-maker.  

Libraries are community hubs. But Sweet Cheeks Bakery of Maine is another.  Our Board President decided to make one of our favorite library supporters very happy this morning.  We hear she likes Harry Potter too.  Congratulations Tracy! 

Tracy hearing about Doug's win

Tracy learning he is giving it to her.

The two winners of the quilt!

Starting in September! Bring your book, meet new friends. Youth 10-16!

Learn Crochet, or bring your knitting. Open to all ages.

New E-Resource!

Hancock County Download Library unites its participating member libraries to provide expanded digital content in a cost-effective manner. Member libraries include Blue Hill PL, Buck Memorial, Ellsworth PL, Friend Memorial, Jesup Memorial, Northeast Harbor PL, Southwest Harbor PL, and Witherle Memorial

HCDL currently offers access to Libby for e-books and audio books and magazines.  All you need to do is go the the link, and type in the barcode on the back of your library card in order to access this amazing collection.

Buck Memorial Library patrons! Read the New York Times daily by following this link. Login to get access to news, games, book reviews and recipes.  

Memory Kits

Do you have a loved one or neighbor who is experiencing memory loss? Consider borrowing a memory kit.  These kits are designed boost cognitive memory.  You can borrow a kit for 6 weeks.  We have 3, all with different items in them.

Caregiver Kits

Are you a caregiver for someone with memory loss? Consider borrowing one of our caregiver kits.  These kits include books about dementia, alzeimers, and giving care. In addition there are light novels, games to engage with your loved ones and special treats provided by Hannaford's and Port O' Call.

Working Without Walls @BML

The Buck Memorial Library is happy to announce we have been awarded $7934.00 by the Maine State Library and the Department of Economic and Community Development, Remote Work Through Libraries Grant. This grant enables us to purchase benches for our outdoor space, more comfortable seating for indoors, privacy screens, noise cancelling headphones, a projector and screen, and provide laptops for use within the library. Our project, Working Without Walls @BML will help support workers and students who come to the library to work. We look forward to implementing these additions in the coming months. 

Free newsletter with our new books!

Sign up for a free weekly newsletter that highlights all of our new books and events happening each week at the library.  You can opt out at any time, and you an also customize lists to only include the genres you read.

Click here

Have you heard of the Village?  

Mission Statement: The Village partners with local organizations and generous volunteers to boost the Bucksport community. Our mission is to be a bridge for existing organizations and community members, but also provide more volunteer based programs. Our website: Army of volunteers database 

▪ Matches volunteers with organizations struggling to find volunteers 

▪ Neighbors helping neighbors program, listserv style Local gems 

▪ Independent farms and farm stands listing 

▪ Independent plowing and yard services listing 

▪ Independent businesses, like cleaning, plowing, or yard care listing 

▪ Things to do (Increase info sharing by directing website users to event info listserv style and from our facebook facebook page. This includes our own events, like Ghostport, Frostfest, children's craft fair, pick up sports, playground afternoons Resources 

▪ Links to town resource pages 

▪ Links to local nonprofit pages 

▪ Links to public transportation information Groups and discussions 

▪ Info on Support and shared interest groups like, special needs parenting, black community social group, Lyme group, single parenting – with listserv setup ▪

 Direct to existing groups, like BBHCC’s thriving in place group 

▪ Moderated community discussion boards and info sharing for hot topics, like the landfill

Sign up here.  

Library Policy Reminder

Buck Memorial Library continues to find materials in our shelves that were placed there without our consent or knowledge.  No materials can be posted or distributed in the library without permission from the library director.  Nor can materials be hidden or defaced in any way.  Please adhere to the library policies as quoted below.  If you have any questions feel free to speak to the Director.

Flyers, Business Cards, Pamphlets: All materials coming to the library from outside vendors, businesses, nonprofits and other organizations must be given to the Library Director.  The Library Director will determine if the materials are appropriate for posting or distribution.  Any materials placed inside the library without the express permission of the Library Director will be removed.  If anyone is found distributing materials in our books or on our shelves they will be told to remove the materials and may be asked to leave the library..  If the behavior persists, the patron will lose their library privileges. 

Defacing, theft or deliberately hiding materials: Deliberately moving materials to other places in the library, or defacing them, is grounds for immediate loss of library privileges. Preventing others access to our materials through this behavior is not acceptable and will result in a loss of library privileges.  If caught defacing materials,  or removing any property of the Buck Memorial Library without permission will also be subject to fines in addition to being banned from the library. 

Donating Books to BML

For those interested in helping replace our collection due to our latent mold issue please read below.  We appreciate your assistance.

Check it out!