Need help accessing our digital collection? Click the links below for instructions and helpful tips on accessing our collection. Still need help? Stop by the library, give us a call or email us.

Cloud Library

Buck Memorial Library has joined the Cloud Library Service through Maine InfoNet and hosted by Biblioteca.  This service allows you to download eBooks to an iPhone, Android phone, an e-reader app, Amazon Fire, or Google Chrome.  Unfortunately you can’t use it on a Kindle.  It is best to download the app, versus using a web browser.  The app will download the book for offline listening or reading while the web  version does not download the book, save your place and requires an internet connection.  

Check out our current collection :



Caregivers should sit with their children and assist with or even download the materials for them to ensure they access age-appropriate materials.

Comics Plus! Your Cloud Library Subscription now includes access to ComicsPlus!

Digital Maine Library

Need help accessing the Digital Maine Library?

Libby: Hancock County Download Library

Hancock County Download Library unites its participating member libraries to provide expanded digital content in a cost-effective manner. Member libraries include Blue Hill Public library, Buck Memorial Library, Ellsworth Public Library, Friend Memorial LIbrary, Jesup Memorial Library, Northeast Harbor Public Library, Southwest Harbor Public Library, and Witherle Memorial Public Library.

VIEW THE CURRENT COLLECTION: Hancock County Download Library 


Mobile Apps for Library World

LibraryWorld Search for Apple and Android lets you search your library from anywhere and anytime you have access to your smart mobile devices.

Available from Apple's App Store and Android Market for free today!

New York Times All Access

Buck Memorial Library patrons! Read the New York Times daily by following this link. Login to get access to news, games, book reviews and recipes. 

New York Times | All Access includes

News: Understand the world with original reporting from 1,700 journalists

● Games: Spelling Bee, Wordle, The Crossword and more.

● Cooking: Recipes, advice and inspiration for any occasion.

● Wirecutter: Independent reviews for thousands of products

● The Athletic: In-depth, personalized sports journalism.

Start exploring today 

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